Open Access Regulations

The State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) and Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) issue regulations for promoting open access to intra-state and inter-state transmission system in the country. The regulations outline the application process for open access and scheduling different types of open access transactions in the power system and determine various charges associated with open access. The CERC has issued Open Access in Inter-State transmission system regulations dated 25th January 2008. This regulation is applicable to the applications made for grant of open access for energy transfer schedules commencing on or after 1st April 2008. The primary purpose of these regulations is to utilize the surplus capacity available on the inter-state transmission system.

Open Access Regulations, 2008

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Resolution By
Notification No. and date
No.L-7/105(121)/2007-CERC Dated: 25th January, 2008
For utilization of surplus capacity available thereafter on the inter-State transmission
Regulations called as
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) Regulations, 2008
Effective Control period
Shall apply to the applications made for grant of open access for energy transfer schedules commencing on or after 1.4.2008
[clause 1.2]
The long-term customer shall have first priority for using the inter-State transmission system for the designated use. These regulations shall apply for utilization of surplus capacity available thereafter on the inter-State transmission system by virtue of-
1. inherent design margins
2. margins available due to variation in power flows
3. Margins available due to in-built spare transmission capacity created to cater to future load growth
[clause 3]
Nodal Agency
The nodal agency for bilateral transactions shall be the RLDC of the region where point of drawal of electricity is situated and in case of the collective transactions, the nodal agency shall be the NLDC
[clause 5]
Congestion management
As per opinion of the nodal agency, grant of all applications at a particular stage of advance scheduling is likely to cause congestion in one or more of the transmission corridors to be used, it shall conduct electronic bidding for grant of open access for the available surplus transmission capacity among the applicants at that stage
[clause 10]
Revision of Schedule
1. The open access schedules accepted by the nodal agency in advance and on first-come-first-served basis may be cancelled or revised downwards by the applicant by giving a minimum five (5) days’ notice
2. The applicant shall continue to be liable to pay transmission charges as per the schedule originally approved, if the period of revision or cancellation is up to 5 days
3. If the period of revision or cancellation exceeds 5 days, transmission charges shall be payable in accordance with the revised schedule
[clause 14]
Curtailment in case of transmission constraints
1. When it becomes necessary to curtail power flow on a transmission corridor, the transactions already scheduled may be curtailed in the manner decided by the RLDC
2. In case of inter-regional bilateral transactions, approved schedule may be cancelled by the RLDC, if the Central Government allocates power from a central generating station in one region to a person in the other region
3. In case of curtailment of the approved schedule by the RLDC, transmission charges shall be payable pro-rata
[clause 15]
Transmission Charges
a. Bilateral, intra-regional- Rs.30/MWh
b. Bilateral, between adjacent regions- Rs.60/MWh
c. Bilateral, wheeling through one or more intervening regions- Rs.90/MWh
d. In case of the collective transaction, for use of the ISTS system, transmission charges at the rate of Rs.30/MWh for each point of injection and for each point
of drawal shall be payable
e. The intra-State entities shall additionally pay transmission charges for use of the State network as determined by the respective State Commission
f. If State Commission has not determined the transmission charges, the charges for use of respective State network shall be payable for the energy approved at the rate of Rs.30/MWh
[clause 16]
Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
1. Based on net metering on the periphery of each regional entity, composite UI accounts shall be issued for each regional entity on a weekly cycle
2. UI rate for intra-State entity shall be 105% (for over-drawals or under generation) and 95% (for under-drawals or over generation) of UI rate at the periphery of regional entity
[clause 20]
Reactive Energy Charges
No separate reactive energy charge accounting for open access transactions shall be carried out at inter-State level
[clause 21]
Transmission losses
1. The buyers and sellers of the electricity shall absorb apportioned energy losses in the transmission system as estimated by the RLDC and the SLDC concerned
2. The energy losses shall be accounted for by providing a differential between schedules at the points of supply, inter-utility transfer and drawal of electricity
[clause 23]
Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
a. dated 20/05/2009
b. dated 11/09/2013
c. dated 12/05/2015
d. dated 22/06/2016
e. dated 02/01/2019
f. dated 12/12/2019
CERC OA Regulations, 2008 (1st Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
L-7/105(121)/2007-CERC Dated: 20th May 2009

Regulations called as
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009

Effective Control period
These regulations shall apply to the application for grant of short-term open access, received by nodal agency on or after 15.6.2009.

Amendment in regulation 3 of the principal regulation:

1. Scope of the regulation are substituted by:
1.1. The long-term-customer and the medium-term customer shall have priority over the short-term customer for use of the inter-State transmission system.
1.2. The short-term customer shall be eligible for short-term open access over the surplus
capacity available on the inter-State transmission system after use by the long-term
customer and the medium-term customer.

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Congestion management
No Amendment

Revision of Schedule
Amendment in Regulation 14 of the principal regulations
1. Substitution in regulation 14
1.1 The short-term open access schedules accepted by the nodal agency in advance or on first-come-first-served basis may be cancelled or revised downwards on an application by the short-term customer.
1.2. The person seeking cancellation or downward revision of short-term open access schedule shall pay the transmission charges for the first two (2) days of the period for which the cancellation or downward revision of schedule has been sought.
1.3.In case of cancellation, operating charges shall be payable for two (2) days or the period of cancellation in days, whichever is less.

Curtailment in case of transmission constraints
Amendment in regulation 15 of the principal regulations

1. In clause 1, Whenever, the Regional Load Despatch Centre curtail power flow on any
transmission corridor by cancelling or re-scheduling any transaction, it should follow the provisions of the Grid Code, while cancellation or curtailment of any transaction, among short-term, medium-term and long-term transactions
1.1. Short-term transactions shall be cancelled or curtailed first, followed by medium -term and thereafter long term–transactions. Further in cancelling or curtailing any short-term transaction, bilateral transactions shall be cancelled or curtailed first followed by collective transactions

Transmission Charges
a. Bilateral, intra-regional- Rs.80/MWh
b. Bilateral, between adjacent regions- Rs.160/MWh
c. Bilateral, wheeling through one or more intervening regions- Rs.240/MWh
d. In case of the collective transaction, for use of the ISTS system, transmission charges at the rate of Rs.100/MWh for each point of injection and for each point of drawal shall be payable
e. The intra-State entities shall additionally pay transmission charges for use of the State network as determined by the respective State Commission
f. If State Commission has not determined the transmission charges, the charges for use of respective State network shall be payable for the energy approved at the rate of Rs.80/MWh

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No amendment

Reactive Energy Charges
No amendment

Transmission losses
No amendment

Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
No amendment

CERC OA Regulations, 2008 (2nd Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
L-7/105(121)/2007-CERC Dated: 11th September 2013

Regulations called as
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2013

Effective Control period
These regulations shall come into effect from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

No Amendment

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Congestion management
No Amendment

Revision of Schedule
Amendment in Regulation 14 of Principal Regulations
1. In Clause 3,
1.1. Any person seeking downward revision of short term open access schedule shall pay the operating charges specified under Regulation 17 of these regulations corresponding to the number of days for which power has been scheduled
1.2 In case of cancellation, operating charges shall be payable in addition for two (2) days or the period of cancellation in days whichever is less.”

Curtailment in case of transmission constraints
No Amendment

Transmission Charges
Amendment in Regulation 16 of the Principal Regulations:
1. Substitution in regulation 16
1.1 In case of bilateral and collective transactions, transmission charges shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of CERC (Sharing of State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time.
1.2. The intra-State entities shall additionally pay transmission charges for use of the State network as determined by the respective State Commission
1.3. If State Commission has not determined the transmission charges, the charges for use of respective State network shall be payable for the energy approved at the rate of Rs.80/MWh

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

Reactive Energy Charges
No Amendment

Transmission losses
Amendment in Regulation 23 of the Principal Regulations
1. In clause 1, Energy losses in the transmission system as may be determined in accordance with CERC (Sharing of Inter- tateTransmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time.
2. In clause 2, The energy losses shall be accounted for by providing a differential between schedules at the points of supply and drawal of electricity.

Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
No Amendment

CERC OA Regulations, 2008 (3rd Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
L-7/105(121)/2007-CERC Dated: 12th May, 2015

Regulations called as
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2015

Effective Control period
These regulations shall come into effect from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

No Amendment

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Congestion management
No Amendment

Revision of Schedule
No Amendment

Curtailment in case of transmission constraints
No Amendment

Transmission Charges
No amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

Reactive Energy Charges
No Amendment

Transmission losses
No Amendment

Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
No Amendment

CERC OA Regulations, 2008 (4th Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
L-7/105(121)/2007-CERC Dated: 22nd June,2016

Regulations called as
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2016

Effective Control period
These regulations shall come into effect from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette

No Amendment

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Congestion management
No Amendment

Revision of Schedule
No Amendment

Curtailment in case of transmission constraints
No Amendment

Transmission Charges
No Amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

Reactive Energy Charges
No Amendment

Transmission losses
No amendment

Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
No amendment

CERC OA Regulations, 2008 (5th Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
PM/NOAR/2016/CERC Dated: 02, January, 2019

Regulations called as
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2018

Effective Control period
These regulations shall come into force with effect from the date to be separately notified by the Commission

New Regulation 3A is added shown in Corrigendum/ Amendment tab

Nodal Agency
New Regulation 5A and 5B is added shown in Corrigendum/ Amendment tab

Congestion management
No amendment

Revision of Schedule
No amendment

Curtailment in case of transmission constraints
No amendment

Transmission Charges
No amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No amendment

Reactive Energy Charges
No amendment

Transmission losses
No amendment

Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
New Regulations added in the Principal Regulation
1. Regulation 3A, National Open Access Registry (NOAR).
1.1. NOAR shall be a common electronic platform for short term open access.
1.2. NOAR has following functionaries:
a) It automate the administration of the short term open access in interstate transmission system.
b) It provides single window electronic platform for short term customers, trading licensees, Power Exchanges, NLDC, RLDCs, SLDCs and Regional Power Committees.
c)It act as a repository of information related to short term open access.
d)It act as interface for processing short-term inter-state open accesstransactions, validation of standing clearance and processing of term-ahead and day-ahead transactions for power exchange(s), payment gateway for making payments related to short term open access transactions and generation of periodic reports for market monitoring and surveillance related activities.
2. Regulation 5A. The processing of the short term open access applications for bilateral transactions and collective transactions shall be carried out through the NOAR.

CERC OA Regulations, 2008 (6th Amendment)

Resolution By

Notification No. and date
L-7/105(121)/2007-CERC Dated: 12th December, 2019

Regulations called as
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2019.

Effective Control period
These regulations shall come into force from 1stApril, 2020 or such other date as may be notified by the Commission.

"Real-time transactions" means the collective transactions which occur on the day (T) or (T-1) after the right to revision of schedule ends for a specified duration of delivery during the day (T)and which are scheduled by RLDC or NLDC
[clause 2.2 (ma)]

Nodal Agency
No Amendment

Congestion management
No Amendment

Revision of Schedule
No Amendment

Curtailment in case of transmission constraints
No Amendment

Transmission Charges
No Amendment

Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges
No Amendment

Reactive Energy Charges
No Amendment

Transmission losses
No Amendment

Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
Amendment in Regulation 13 of the Principal Regulations
1. New clause 13 (B) is added- Procedure for scheduling of transaction in Real-time market(RTM)
1.1. All the entities participating in the real-time market for a specified duration may place their bids and offers on the Power Exchanges for purchase and sale of power.
1.2. The window for trade in real-time market for day (T) shall open from 22.45hrs to 23.00hrs of (T-1) for the delivery of power for the first two time-blocks of 1st hour of day (T) i.e., 00.00 hrs to 00.30 hrs, and will be repeated every half an hour thereafter.
1.3. The Nodal agency in accordance with the detailed procedure shall announce the final schedule by 23.45 hrs of (T-1) and communicate to the RLDCs to prepare the schedule for dispatch.